Due to an issue I'm having with 7.x, and trying to track it down, I spent
tonight getting my server setup to allow my to break into the debugger
when it hangs, and hopefully dump core ...
But, although I *think* I've got it all, I'm obviously missing something,
as it isn't breaking ...
First ... I'm running a proliant server, and when I connect via SSH to ILO
on that machine, and type 'vsp', I get a shell as I expect, I can type,
etc ... when I reboot the machine, I get the opening splash screen with
the 7(?) options (normal boot, single user mode, etc, etc) ... but I get
nothing between that and the login prompt ... first sign of a problem,
Next, the easy question ... what is the key stroke to issue when one has
ALT_BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER is set in the kernel? I thought it was CR ~ ^b ...
is that correct? I'm using putty to connect via ssh, if that makes a
difference ... I've also tried using the browser interface into ilo / vsp,
same lack of a result ...
Beyond adding sio device driver to my kernel, I've also got:
options KDB
options DDB
Missing a kernel option maybe?
I have the following in /boot/loader.conf:
console="vidconsole,comconsole" # A comma separated list of console(s)
boot_multicons="-D" # -D: Use multiple consoles
boot_serial="-h" # -h: Use serial console
So ... eithe rI don't have it enabled like I think, or I'm doing the wrong
key stroke ... or ...
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email . scra...@hub.org MSN . scra...@hub.org
Yahoo . yscrappy Skype: hub.org ICQ . 7615664
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