On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 18:18 -0500, Greg Rivers wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Robert Noland wrote:
> > On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 18:24 -0500, Greg Rivers wrote:
> >> On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, Robert Noland wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 12:20 -0500, Greg Rivers wrote:
> >>>> On Sat, 10 Jan 2009, Robert Noland wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> I just merged drm (Direct Rendering) from HEAD.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>        - Support for latest Intel chips
> >>>>>        - Support and fixes for many AMD/ATI chips r500 and below
> >>>>>        - Support AMD/ATI IGP based chips (rs690/rs485)
> >>>>>        - Lots of code cleanups
> >>>>>        - Lots of other fixes and changes since the existing drm
> >>>>>          is 2+ years old
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If you are experiencing a "garbled" screen with certain pci/pci-e based
> >>>>> radeons, I have another patch in HEAD that isn't included yet.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I have a workstation with a [Radeon X600 (PCIE)] card.  The X display has
> >>>> been garbled since these DRM updates went in in January, and remains
> >>>> garbled with 7.1-STABLE as of yesterday.  As a work-around, I'm running
> >>>> the up-to-date 7.1-STABLE system (both world and ports) with a
> >>>> 7.1-RELEASE-p2 kernel.  The display is fine with the old kernel and X
> >>>> works great; I even see dramatically improved performance with the new
> >>>> Xorg and EXA acceleration.  Your work is much appreciated.
> >>>>
> >>>> But the garbled display with the recent DRM still plagues me.
> >>>>
> >>>> [snip]
> >>>
> >>> Could you try the attached patch.
> >>>
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, there is no noticeable difference with this patch.
> >>
> >>
> >>> Also, I'm guessing that this is a PCI based card, right?  Also, it isn't
> >>> an integrated model?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Yes, this is a PCIEx16 card in a HP Compaq dc7600 desktop PC, not a
> >> motherboard integrated adapter.
> >>
> >> Thanks for your help.  I'm willing to spend some time debugging this;
> >> please let me know if there's more information I can provide or other
> >> tests or patches I can try.
> >
> > Ok, try this patch... I asked the folks from AMD and they agree that
> > this shouldn't be needed on an RV370, but we will give it a try... This
> > is what fixed the garbled display on the IGP chips.
> >
> The display is still garbled with this patch too.
> I'm curious about why the drm driver calls this card a RV370, while pciconf
> and the X server call it a RV380:
>       pciconf: "RV380 RADEON X600 Series 265MB"

I'm not sure where pciconf gets it's data.  I would actaully like to
look at that.

>       X server: "ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]"

This comes from /usr/local/share/pciids/pci.ids

>       drm driver: "ATI Radeon RV370 X600 Pro"

This comes from drm's own internal tables. (drm_pciids.h)

> Could it be that the drm driver has the wrong chip set or configuration for
> this PCI ID?

I don't think so, all of those should be about the same.

Ok, so it isn't the gart caching... Can you get me a pointer to a
screenshot?  What is garbled exactly?  Is the damage constrained to
specific windows or it it the entire framebuffer?


> -- 
> Greg Rivers
Robert Noland <rnol...@freebsd.org>

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