Russell Jackson wrote:
> Ivan Voras wrote:
>> hi,
>> I seem to remember hearing an anecdote somewhere that using hundreds
>> (or thousands?) nullfs mounts for jails results in unreasonably bad
>> file system access performance. Does somebody have this kind of setup
>> / is it true?
> I was doing this with jails --before we moved to VMware ESX (for better or 
> worse)-- and
> didn't see any noticeable performance degradation at the time (6.x series).

Thanks, everyone. I've tracked it down and I heard it from a collegue,
only he was talking about unionfs not nullfs.

> For those interested, the biggest plus for going to the ESX model is that it 
> decoupled low
> utilization Windows boxes from over-spec'ed hardware and made it available 
> for FreeBSD to
> use ;-). The downsides are that it's proprietary, it's expensive, it's 
> inefficient (e.g.
> duplicated files and kernel instances everywhere), and you need freak'in 
> Windows boxes to
> manage it.

Yes, ESX is nice. I've also tried XenServer (the "official" Xen) and
it's been terrible - both slow and clunky. Any other experiences?

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