On Mon, 23 Feb 2009, aneeth wrote:


OK, will give this a try, unless anyone else wants any traces from this locked machine ? Is there a known way to tickle this bug when I've rebooted, to make sure it's fixed ?

We'v been having similar issues with a couple of our servers as well (7.0 and 7.1). However the problem shows up only on quad core machines. The dual core machines r running fine.

FYI, I'm currently awaiting testing results from Pete on the MFC of a number of routing table locking fixes, and once that's merged (hopefully tomorrow?) I'll start on the patches in the above PR. I've taken a crash-course in routing table locking in the last few days... :-)

The patches I sent him are at:


They do not include the patch from the above PR which I want to handle separately as it's a significantly different issue.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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