Hello, Freebsd-stable.

  I installed 7.1-STABLE on my new Soekris net5501. Kernel config is
in attach.

    This unit lock up in strange way every day. It is pingable, but no
access to host on any network protocol (sshd, named, etc are not
answering), and serial console (only one this unit has) DOESN'T ANSWER

   Only way to un-freeze it is cold reboot.

   I've thought, it is overheating problem (before I discovered, that
it pingable even when console is totally frozen), but now I monitor
temperature, and it never raises over 48C, which is not cold, but
looks Ok...

  I have only serial access to unit from other FreeBSD server,
accessed by ssh, so my access is

  ssh -> FreeBSD server -> cu -> Soekris net5501

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@freebsd.org>

Attachment: NET5501
Description: Binary data

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