I fixed the problem on my 4801's by having noticed a correlation with psm and hangs on my laptop, and thought there may be a LOR or such involving the keyboard driver and/or kbdmux. Since a 4801 has no need of those drivers, but *does* contain the hardware they control, just with no external peripherals connected, I tried configuring the Soekris kernel with all vestiges of atkbdc, psm, kbdmux, sc, and such removed. This did appear to fix the hangs.

The hangs only seem to happen on AMD hardware; I have several ich{3,5}+p3 or p4 machines that don't hang.

Before I figured that out I noticed some PHK notes about enabling the hardware watchdog and did that too, but did the upgrade mentioned above before any watchdog hits. I haven't seen any spontaneous reboots (which a watchdog hit would look like) since the reconfig either.

-- Pete

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