Doug Barton wrote:
> Sorin Panca wrote:
>> Prior to starting the upgrade I did a pkg_delete -a. I wanted a clean
>> system (just like a reinstallation). How do I ensure that all packages
>> were removed by pkg_delete -a ?
> Check /usr/local and make sure there is nothing there. In particular
> make sure that /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg does not exist. It sounds
> like this is already true, but also make sure that /var/db/pkg is
> empty as well. If none of that works then you've got a bigger problem.
> If you still can't install ruby and/or portupgrade, try installing a
> simple port just using 'make clean ; make install' in the port's
> directory. If that works, try a more complex port until something
> fails. If nothing fails installing manually it's a problem with
> portupgrade and/or ruby and you can send in a new bug report focusing
> on that.
> You might also consider using portmaster of course. :)
> hope this helps,
> Doug

/usr/local/compat/pkg existed but I followed your advice and removed it.
/var/db/pkg was empty when I checked it.
I proceeded to trying to install /usr/ports/lang/ruby18 by make clean
and then make install clean. It failed with the same error as in my
previous attempts.

However, some packages built correctly: shells/bash, lang/perl5.8,
sysutils/ezjail and www/apache.

I really wanted to take portmaster into consideration (it's a better
alternative to portupgrade in my opinion also), but sysutils/puppet uses
portupgrade as its backend and I use puppet on my servers. So I'm stuck
with portupgrade.

I also noticed when compiling other programs, that the line contains the
following arguments: -fPIC -DPIC, while compiling ruby18, it only
contains -fPIC. I added -DPIC to /etc/make.conf, so that the CFLAGS line
would look like:
CFLAGS?= -O2 -fPIC -DPIC -pipe
After that, the compiler output lines still look like:
cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe   -fPIC  -DRUBY_EXPORT -I. -I.   -c
and fails as in my previous attempts.

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