I have this issue only with amd64, not with i386. Both on the same hardware with up to date 8.0-CURRENT.

In the not booting (amd64) version the following both lines, which indicate the detection of disks, are absent:

ad4: 381554MB <SAMSUNG HD401LJ ZZ100-15> at ata2-master SATA300
ad6: 476940MB <SAMSUNG HD501LJ CR100-11> at ata3-master SATA300.

I think the boot loader is ok, because I can load old amd64 kernel structures (before Oct. 9th 2008), but no newer one on this hardware.

I have no clue what could be reason. Perhaps you are right with your suspicion about a kernel config problem?

Please let me know if I can help.

Thank you,

On 21.01.2009 15:03 (UTC+1), Gary Palmer wrote:
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 06:22:00PM -0700, John Rushford wrote:

Perhaps mine is a different issue but I ran into this today.

I loaded FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE from a DVD onto an Apple Mac Pro after
partitioning a drive with bootcamp.  The install went quite well and the
machine came up with no issues.  I configured networking, X, and got gnome
working.  I setup cvsup and loaded the STABLE sources, ran make buildworld,
make kernel, etc...

I attempted to boot into single user to run mergemaster, installworld, etc..
But the machine will not boot, I now get the following errror and prompt:

    Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad9s1a

    Manual root filesystem specification:
        <fstype>:<device>   Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
                                e.g. ufs:da0s1a
        ?                   List valid disk boot devices
        <empty line>        Abort manual input

I input ufs:/dev/ad9s1a to no avail and ? Does not list any other devices.

I've booted from the DVD and gone into Fixit mode and can mount /dev/ad9s1a
just fine.  I thought that I'd try putting back loader.old on the off chance
that might solve the problem but, I do not see a loader.old, just loader.
The kernel.old directory is there.

Any ideas on what the issue might be and how to fix?

Appreciate the help as I'd like to get 7.1-STABLE running on this machine.

Did the kernel probe messages prior to the mountroot prompt indicate that
the appropriate disk controllers were found/probed and that the disk devices were found on the disk controllers? The lack of
any devices listed when you asked might indicate a kernel configuration



P.S. Please do not top post.


On 1/20/09 3:56 AM, "Mark Kirkwood" <mar...@paradise.net.nz> wrote:

Reuben wrote:
I was wondering if anyone else was seeing loader (v1.02) break after updating
from 7.1-RELEASE to 7.1-STABLE.  After performing the prescribed updating
procedure (via the handbook), the system will go through the normal steps and
after the boot menu will present the following error:

Can't work out which disk we are booting from.
Guessed BIOS device 0xffffffff not found by probes, defaulting to disk0

According to the bugbusting page on the FreeBSD wiki there's two issues at
work that cause this behavior; patches were committed to HEAD/RELENG earlier
last year in Mar and Aug.  Up until now I've never come across this problem
in 6.x or 7.0.  In doing a little research I've come across a few older
threads via google where it was believed that the problem was caused by
improper CFLAGS in make.conf.  I've commented mine out and rebuilt things..
with the same end result.  In fact, if it's any help, my CFLAGS declaration
in make.conf is taken verbatim from the /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf.
Furthermore, on selecting option 6 from the boot menu (escape to loader
prompt), the system [I'm assuming] crashes displaying a blinking ASCII
pattern from which only a hard reboot will work.

FWIW, this is a fairly plain system.. nothing special in sysctl.conf or
loader.conf, and the kernel is pretty stock as well (more or less GENERIC
with my sound device and pf).

A temporary fix for me was to copy over loader.old to loader in /boot.

I am getting this too - update from RELENG_7 @12 Jan src to 20 Jan and I

panic: free: guard1 fail @ 0x511d
from /usr/src/sys/boot/i386/loader/../../common/module.c:959

Can't work out which disk we are booting from.
Guessed BIOS device 0xffffffff not found by probes, defaulting to disk0

Copying loader.old to loader did not work around this for me - I had to
empty loader.conf too.

Here is what *was* in there:

---> begin loader.conf
# Sound


--> end loader.conf

At this point I am not sure which if are the bad guys...

The machine is an Asus a8vx.



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