On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 01:00:03AM +0100, barbara wrote:
> Hello,
> while reading/writing dvd on 6-STABLE (can't remember on 7-STABLE right now), 
> I'm getting the message buffer filled by errors.
> This is my dvd-rw
> $ sysctl dev.acd.0.%desc
> dev.acd.0.%desc: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109/1.58
> attached to
> $ sysctl dev.atapci.1.%desc
> dev.atapci.1.%desc: VIA 8237A UDMA133 controller
> And the followings are some examples of the error:
> g_vfs_done():cd0[READ(offset=3533693165190270976, length=2048)]error = 5
> g_vfs_done():cd0[READ(offset=8751655366962446336, length=2048)]error = 5
> g_vfs_done():cd0[READ(offset=8751655370713257984, length=2048)]error = 5
> g_vfs_done():acd0[READ(offset=3533693165190270976, length=2048)]error = 5
> g_vfs_done():acd0[READ(offset=8751655366962446336, length=2048)]error = 5
> g_vfs_done():acd0[READ(offset=8751655370713257984, length=2048)]error = 5
> Is it possible such a value for offset (DVD-SL)?

The offset is rediculously large.

> Does anyone know the reason of the error?

I had this problem once with a harddisk. It turned out that the (S)ATA
data cable wasn't connected properly. It had probably come somewhat
loose when I was putting in a PCI card. Pulling the cable from the drive
and re-attaching it again solved the problem in that case.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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