Dan Langille wrote:
Marat N.Afanasyev wrote:
Dan Langille wrote:
Dan Langille wrote:
I'm getting this:
kernel: interrupt storm detected on "irq22:"; throttling interrupt
what is your motherboard brand? I have the same issue with interrupt
storms, as stated in [1] and I think that it can be related with mb
Opening the case, reading the m/b:
K9A2 Platinum MSI
yeah. I suppose that microstar makes something weird in their
motherboards. I tried to disassemble dsdt and assemble it again -- no
luck, it has errors ;) more interesting, I've found that dsdt mentions
windows nt, windowses like millennium, windowses like 2000 and linux
explicitly. but no mention of any other system. I think this is one of
cases to investigate, but I have a little experience in dsdt programming :(
SY, Marat
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