On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Jack Vogel <jfvo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So it wasn't identified during install but was in the kernel you built
> afterward, is that
> what you're saying? Even if that's true I don't think its relevant to the
> failure.

Ahm no, sysinstall said something like:

 igb0: <unknown network interface type>
 igb1: <unknown network interface type>

but we just went ahead and made the choice.

I thought it might be a slight variation of igb NICs or something so I
stated that info.

> I have made a couple queries internally, there are a lot of variations on
> Nehalem
> systems, at least one other engineer in my group had an encounter with one
> like yours, I have two managers looking for me, hopefully I can find one.

Ok cool.

Matsalams (means much thanks!) ;-)

> Jack

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