On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 09:31 -0700, Brian Duke wrote:
> This is very odd.
> I got desperate last night and steeled myself for a reinstall. Copied all
> the known keeper files to an alternate drive including /home, /etc,
> /usr/local/etc and a couple others. It's on a completely separate drive with
> no OS just files on it. I downloaded what I thought was 7.1 iso and burned
> the image to disks from my spare windows machine. I sure of it as I made a
> point to upgrade to 7.1
> I stuck in the install disk and rebooted. 
> I didn't mess with fdisk left it the same. 
> Used disk druid to set the mount points like they were before and toggle
> newfs to Yes.
> I watched the install perform a newfs on the mount points. As it was loading
> the new kernel and support files I kept seeing snippets saying file for
> FreeBSD 7.0 loaded. I figured there were legacy files being added and let it
> continue. The install disks loaded everything with success. The
> congratulation screen popped up and set the final options. I got to the
> reboot and it warned me to take out the disk before rebooting.
> While booting I saw right after choosing normal boot it said proudly
> "FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE".

A few ideas:

1)  Do you have, or have you ever had, mirrored disks?  Is it possible
that the kernel is not being loaded from the disk you think it is being
loaded from?

2) Is it possible that you are loading a kernel that is not the default
kernel?  e.g. At some point in the past, have you 

Secondly, can you run the following commands and show the output:

sysctl kern.bootfile
ls -li /boot /boot/kernel/kernel `sysctl -n kern.bootfile`
cat /boot/loader.conf
cat /boot/nextboot.conf
strings /boot/kernel/kernel | tail -6



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