On Mon, 2008-12-22 at 14:38 +0100, Patrick Lamaizière wrote:
> Le Tue, 09 Dec 2008 21:39:26 -0500,
> Ken Smith <kensm...@cse.buffalo.edu> a écrit :
> Hello,
> > So...  Two show-stoppers, one Security Advisory, and one "Gee.  Did we
> > really implement that new interface that way?  That needs a bit more
> > work." later...
> Can we know what were these two show-stoppers? In the past there were
> some informations about show stoppers on the FreeBSD's web site but i
> can't find them.
> I'm asking because i run 7.1 since the -PRERELEASE and it looks solid
> as a rock.

The two show-stoppers, which were worked through quite a while ago (like
I said before its been a couple other issues since then not necessarily
directly related to stability) were:

        - routing table locking issues, which would under the "wrong"
          set of circumstances cause panics, most often it seemed
          during boot.  It seemed to depend on how active things like
          the arp entries were, etc (as in didn't always cause a panic
          for any given machine as it booted, it was somewhat random).

        - huge performance drop on certain things that got traced
          to changes made to malloc after 7.0.

Sorry about the lack of something on the Web site.  We're working on
ways to fix issues like that during the next release.  The past couple
of releases we've known I have communication issues that I meant to try
and fix when things quieted down after the release.  But then things
were quiet and that sorta never happened.  So we're starting to work out
what needs to be done differently during 7.2-RELEASE now while the list
of things not being done is freshly in everyones' mind instead of
waiting to talk about it later...

                                                Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensm...@cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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