On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 01:48:17PM +0200, Danny Braniss wrote:
> latest pxeboot (7.1):
>       mother-board    NIC/LOM CPU
>       -------------   ------- ---
>       Intel SWV25      em     xeon    works fine
>       SUN X2200        bge    amd     works fine
>       DELL PE 2950     bce    xeon    failes 95% of the times
>                                       hangs or goes into btx dump regs. mode 
> :-)
>       Intel SE7320VP21 msk    xeon    failes 50% of the times - hangs
> pxeboot with btx.S 1.45 2008/02/27 23:35:39, works fine.

> so it seems that changes since 1.45 have fixed it for some, but it
> brakes for others :-). I can help testing, but btx is way out of
> my league.

interesting, so this is the same problem i was seeing on the Asus/amd
machines here...

the commit log for 1.47 mention interrupt issues which are consistent
with the random hangs or errors that I see while booting over the


I wonder if the hangs are related to interrupts coming in at the
wrong time. I also wonder whether the same symptoms might also
affect the standard loader and not just pxeloader, in which case
the problem would be slightly more serious.

I am afraid my ability to debug the problem isn't going much
beyond this...

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