
i'm trying FreeBSD 7.1 BETA2 in amd64 and i'm having issues with interrupt
storms. The machine works without problems as long as i don't stress much
the HD. If i have high IO load after a few hours the system starts to have
interrupt storms and never again recovers from them until i restart.

My SATA card is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:18:0:    class=0x01018f card=0x73271462 chip=0x43801002 
rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'ATI Technologies Inc'
    device     = 'IXP SB600 Serial ATA Controller'
    class      = mass storage
    subclass   = ATA

The MotherBoard is MSI K9AG Neo 2[1] and the kernel is
GENERIC without USB and firewire support.

After digging a bit in the source i've find that linux
people have a quirk for this chipset and i've been unable
to find in our code a similar quirk. You can find the quirk


I don't know exactly what does it do, neither i do know
if it have anything to know with my interrupt issues, but
could someone who knows a bit better tell me if that
could fix the issue or if we need that quirk for other

Thanks in advance.

[1]: http://global.msi.com.tw/index.php?func=proddesc&prod_no=1241&maincat_no=1
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