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Jo Rhett wrote:
> This is now filed as PR 129149
>     http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=129149
> Given the nature of this bug, can I persuade someone to mark this as
> blocking 6.4-RELEASE ?

My wild guess is that this is somehow related to SMP handling since the
installation process would install a SMP kernel, but the default CD-ROM
kernel is UP for 6.x.  Could you please try if you have the same problem
with UP kernel?  (Copy from LiveCD or something)

> On Nov 5, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:
>> On Oct 27, 2008, at 8:51 AM, John Baldwin wrote:
>>> On Friday 24 October 2008 02:48:13 pm Jo Rhett wrote:
>>>> So I booted up by CD and used Fixit mode to switch the system to boot
>>>> via serial (keyboard detached), but this gathered me even less.
>>>> /boot.config: -Dh
>>>> Consoles: internal video/keyboard  serial port
>>>> BIOS drive A: is disk0
>>>> BIOS drive C: is disk1
>>>> BIOS drive D: is disk2
>>>> BIOS 639kB/4062144kB available memory
>>>> FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
>>>> Plugging back in the monitor after lockup showed only a single char
>>>> more:
>>> This confirms it is hanging in one of the two BIOS routines to output a
>>> character.  One thing you can do would be to boot up and do the
>>> following:
>>> dd if=/dev/mem bs=0x400 count=1 of=idt.out
>>> dd if=/dev/mem bs=64k iseek=15 count=1 of=bios.out
>>> Then place those files some place I can fetch them.
>> Both files are at http://support.netconsonance.com/freebsd/
>> FYI, this is notable -- the keyboard does not respond at the boot
>> prompt.  I mean the menu where you can escape to the loader prompt,
>> with the fat freebsd ascii art.  No keyboard presses are observed
>> here.  This is also true for the boot menu on the 6.4 installation CD
>> too.
>> No problems with 6.2 or 6.3
>> -- 
>> Jo Rhett
>> Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source
>> and other randomness
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