On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 06:41:52PM +0200, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> interesting report -- thanks. now i suppose we should just
> make sure that the arp layer will always thing it has the
> address of the primary interface (the one with the ip
> address assigned) ?
Basically, that's what I was thinking.  I looked through the arp code but
it's beyond my comprehension right now.  The other strange thing is that
the kernel will stop responding to arp requests on the aliased
interface... not sure why that's happening, but it keeps my alias from
working at all :( (strangely enough it will work for the first few
minutes, then stop.)

I couldn't find any regular pattern to when the kernel decides to "switch"
the hardware address used to respond to arp requests- just seems kind of

Jason Garman                                         http://web.wedgie.org/
Student, University of Maryland                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>From fortune(1):                                              Whois: JAG145
  "... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror,
   and you would not have been informed."

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