On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 at 18:38:02 -0700, Chad R. Larson wrote:
> As I recall, Jim Mock wrote:
> > On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 at 17:42:11 -0700, Chad R. Larson wrote:
> > > This may have already been discussed on some other list, but I'm
> > > surprised to find sendmail has gone missing from the ports
> > > collection.
> >
> > Sendmail isn't in the ports collection, it's in the base system.
> Yes, but in the past, you could set NO_SENDMAIL in /etc/make.conf so
> it wouldn't be built as part of the base system, and then build and
> install one from the ports. That generally got you the
> latest-n-greatest version. Or, allowed you to install a down-rev'd
> version if needed for compatibility on your network.
Er, the reason NO_SENDMAIL exists is so if you're using postfix or qmail
(which both use a binary called 'sendmail') they don't get overwritten
with the real sendmail app. It also allows you to install a new version
from source and not overwrite it when you make world.
> And the one in the ports collection has gone missing since I last Or,
> And perhaps I've been hallucinating again and it never was a port.
You're hallucinating again :-) There hasn't ever been a sendmail port
to my knowledge.. and the CVS repository seems to agree with me..
[root@dionysus:/usr/ports/mail]# cvs log sendmail
cvs log: nothing known about sendmail
That was run on a ports tree updated (via CVS, not CVSup) about 5
minutes before sending this message.
> But if so, why isn't it? We've got ports for things like Adobe
> Acrobat, which only fetch and install a binary. We surely could fetch
> and build sendmail from Sendmail.org.
There's no real reason to have the same version of sendmail available in
the base system as in the ports tree. I do think, however, that if
there are beta versions of sendmail available, a port of it is
reasonable for the simple fact that the source tree has the latest
'stable' version of it even though some people would want newer betas.
Then again, there's no reason why you can't compile sendmail from source
since it works just fine ;-)
- jim
- jim mock - walnut creek cdrom/freebsd test labs - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- phone: 1.925.691.2800 x.3814 - fax: 1.925.674.0821 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- editor - The FreeBSDzine - www.freebsdzine.org - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
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