On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Forrest W. Christian wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Didier Derny wrote:
> > freebsd seems running version after version and not stability...
> > in 1999 (3.x) I was not so sure at all, no stability too many problems.
> hmmm....
> # uptime
>  1:44AM  up 46 days, 22:36, 1 user, load averages: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00

Not to "compare sizes", but:

 7:05PM  up 101 days,  7:17, 5 users, load averages: 1.35, 1.35, 1.24

A heavier  load and a  very stable  3.4-STABLE machine... I  still don't
know what  you (Didier  that is)  are whining  about... Just  follow the

1/ Buy reliable hardware
2/ Install a stable OS (FreeBSD)
3/ Use  well  tested applications,  either native  coded for  FreeBSD or
   using its GNU/Linux binary compatibility

Oh, and...

9/ Make  regular  backups and  test them  once-in-a-while. Just  because
   hardware tends to break down when you least expect it... :(

> - Forrest W. Christian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) KD7EHZ

--- End of Quoted Text ---

======= _ __,;;;/ TimeWaster ================================================
     ,;( )_, )~\| A Truly Wise Man Never Plays   PGP: 64 07 5D 4C 3F 81 22 73
    ;; //  `--;     Leapfrog With A Unicorn...        52 9D 87 08 51 AA 35 F0
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