Luc Morin wrote:
> I also have the following entries in /dev:
> bash-2.03# cd /dev/
> bash-2.03# ls acd*
> acd0a acd0c acd1a acd1c
> bash-2.03# ls -l cdrom
> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 Mar 19 15:58 cdrom -> acd0a
> And the following entry in /etc/fstab:
> /dev/acd0c /cdrom cd9660 ro,noauto 0
> 0
> As I write this, I notice the different references to acd0a and acd0c...
> what should I be using ?
I've always used the 'c' partition on CDs. I don't know whether that's your
problem with audio CDs, but that shouldn't affect "mount /cdrom" operation.
> Have I overlooked anything else?
I assume the CD is detected at boot time? 'dmesg | grep acd'
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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