At 4:47 PM +0100 2000/2/24, Brad Knowles wrote:

>       Blargh.  It does appear to hurt.

        After having received positive feedback on these reports from 
several people, I will continue posting updates.

        Thanks, folks.  I can really use the support right now.

>                                      I'm trying the two 2940U2W
>  controllers on the primary PCI bus with the on-board AIC-7890
>  controller hard-wired to the secondary PCI bus.

        Bugger.  That doesn't work, either.

        I guess I should have paid more attention to the clue 
silk-screened on the motherboard near the first slot in the secondary 
PCI bus that says "RAID Upgradeable PCI slot", and another clue 
silk-screened elsewhere close by that said something like "Insert 
NICs into primary PCI bus only".

        Sigh....  I guess we get to buy a couple of 3950U2Ws, and maybe 
hold on to these 2940U2Ws and see if they can ever be useful in 
another project sometime.

        It looks like the PCI bridge chip is a real issue with this 
particular hardware configuration, and so far as I can tell, using 
SMP doesn't seem to make a difference.

        After confirming that everything is working okay again, we get to 
go back to reconfiguring the RAID array, doing horizontal striping 
across the logical units, seeing what happens when I add softupdates, 

        I'll post results here when I've got 'em.

        Thanks everyone!

   These are my opinions and should not be taken as official Skynet policy
|o| Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 Belgacom Skynet NV/SA |o|
|o| Systems Architect, Mail/News/FTP/Proxy Admin  Rue Col. Bourg, 124   |o|
|o| Phone/Fax: +32-2-706.13.11/726.93.11          B-1140 Brussels       |o|
|o|                          Belgium               |o|
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