On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 03:24:48PM -0600, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> What is needed is a *comment* in GENERIC telling users to change net to tty
> if they want to use their printers.

Agreed.  Attached is a trivial patch to GENERIC, for -stable only.  The
same line in GENERIC in -current looks like

    device          ppc0    at isa? irq 7

so I assume -current doesn't have that problem.

This will close conf/16394.  Any objections?

    If you want to imagine the future, imagine a tennis shoe stamping
    on a penguin's face forever.
        --- with apologies to George Orwell
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.143.2.26 GENERIC
--- GENERIC     2000/01/31 21:30:31
+++ GENERIC     2000/02/15 12:28:32
@@ -154,6 +154,10 @@
 device         sio3    at isa? disable port "IO_COM4" tty irq 9
 # Parallel port
+# Note:  The ppc0 entry is to support networking over the parallel port.
+#        If you will be printing to it, change "net" to "tty", and 
+#        review ppc(4) to ensure you have the correct flags value.
 device         ppc0    at isa? port? flags 0x40 net irq 7
 controller     ppbus0                  # Parallel port bus (required)
 device         lpt0    at ppbus?       # Printer

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