On 07-Jan-2000 Walter Brameld wrote:
>    I'm about to have a brain hemmorhage now. I decided to redo my whole
> machine, Windows and FreeBSD, (each has it's own hard drive). Have
> installed Windows 98 now, but can't get FreeBSD to install! I don't have
> the cd's, I've done it from both ftp and a dos partition, but now can't
> get either one to work. Windows is on drive C:, attempting FreeBSD on
> drive D:.
>    I had planned to do a minimal install, restore my /usr/src files,
> cvsup and rebuild. I have the directories C:\FREEBSD, C:\FREEBSD\bin
> with all the files, and C:\FREEBSD\floppies with all the files except
> the pccard directory. Install says it can't find a primary dos
> partition. When I redid the disk, I use Western Digital's EZBios, and
> believe that may be causing the problem.

     I could be wrong, but I would more likely guess that install is barfing on
the fat32 that Win uses by default.  Someone else may know better than I if
FreeBSD install will work from that filesystem type ;)  As well, from the docs
you have to start the install after booting to dos, not from a dos window. 
That would be my second guess at the problem.

>    What is throwing me is not getting my dialup to work. After
> configuration, I go to ALT-F4, then dial. Everything goes fine until my
> isp sends back my dynamic address. I get the error (if memory
> serves....):
> PPp ON brameld> Phase: Unacceptable address! (May have
> left part of it out)
>    I then get lost carrier and disconnect. Does this whether I use PAP
> or do it through term. I have always been successful with this method in
> the past, and haven't a clue as to what is going wrong. ALT-F2 seems to
> be giving good message results, although I had never looked at it when
> things were working.

     This, unfortunately, I can't help with given that error message.  Maybe

Date: 06-Jan-2000
Time: 20:11:32

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