On 28-Dec-99 Peter Jeremy wrote:
> $ zsh -c '[ 1 -ne 0 ] && echo correct' 
> correct
> $ zsh -c '/bin/[ 1 -ne 0 ] && echo correct' 
> zsh: bad pattern: /bin/[
> $
> (Found by accident whilst looking into the original problem - I haven't,
> but probably should, report it as a bug in zsh 3.0.5).

I don't think so. It's a regex thing - you're supposed to escape the [ since
it's parsed by the shell as a regex.. (just like parentheses, semicolons,
stars, tildes, and so on).

<2 5011-0> (99-12-28 20:02:04) [will@shadow ~]% /bin/\[ 1 -ne 0 && echo correct
<2 5012-0> (99-12-28 20:02:11) [will@shadow ~]% [ 1 -ne 0 ] && echo correct

<2 5002-0> (99-12-28 20:03:38) [will@shadow ~]% pkg_info -Ia | grep zsh
zsh-3.1.6           The Z shell (development version)
<2 5003-0> (99-12-28 20:03:39) [will@shadow ~]% grep will /etc/passwd
will:*:1000:1000:Will Andrews:/home/will:/usr/local/bin/zsh

..although I'm not sure why /bin/[ behaves like this:

<2 5004-0> (99-12-28 20:03:47) [will@shadow ~]% /bin/\[ 1 -ne 0 ] && echo
[: ]: unexpected operator

*shrug* could be some weird kink. :-)

Will Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GCS/E/S @d- s+:+>+:- a--->+++ C++ UB++++ P+ L- E--- W+++ !N !o ?K w---
?O M+ V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP+>+++ t++ 5 X++ R+ tv+ b++>++++ DI+++ D+ 
G++>+++ e->++++ h! r-->+++ y?

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