Doug White wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, jack wrote:
> > Today Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
> >
> > > > Our release QA is horrible.  Look at what Apple does -- they sit on the
> > > > release candidate for a *month*, with *no changes at all*, before putting
> > >
> > > The problem is that Apple also gets people to LOOK at the release
> > > candidate for that month.
> >
> > Apple also has a much better idea of what hardware it will be
> > installed on, and doesn't have to contend with the multitude of
> > (non)standards for PC hardware.  It would probably take years to
> > test every possible need of various services (heavy HTTP server,
> > ftp, etc.) against all the permutations of available hardware.
> I'm not worried about hardware interactions; I'm worried about plain dumb
> bugs, like the whole lo0 fiasco with 3.3.  That should _NOT_ have
> happened.

Yes, but that wasn't the only one. The CDROM's were only bootable on
certain devices. There have been boot configuration problems for
several releases. There was also something on 3.2 that killed some of
us. I really didn't shut us down but impared operation was a
functional description. As always, a cvsup a week later for 3.2-Stable
worked just fine. There has been something strange broken on the last
two releases. Code would be locked down but you may not see and
identify the problem for a couple of days and by the time you identify
that it wasn't a dumb user error, the gold CDROMs have been shipped to
the production facility. The problem was identified too late again.
More stuff for the errata file and real newbie gotcha's. The lo0 was a
much more severe problem because it shut people down and made them
scramble to find a machine to dial to the Internet and get an answer.


> Doug White                    |  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve
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Kent Stewart
Richland, WA


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