Robert Withrow wrote: > > Since we are slushing towards 3.4R: Apparently the "userconfig > not saving selections" bug reported in 3.1 is still apparent > in 3.3R. Is there an easy fix that could find itself into 3.4R? > > (I asked about this in questions and got a reply from someone who > vefified that it was still broken...) It is not broken. Maybe it is not being done automatically, though. Does a /boot/kernel.conf file gets generated automatically? If not, just kget >/boot/kernel.conf. Now, what does _not_ happen automatically is this information getting loaded. Put a userconfig_script_load="YES" line in /boot/loader.conf. -- Daniel C. Sobral (8-DCS) [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Then again maybe not going to heaven would be a blessing. Relkin liked a certain amount of peace and harmony, since there'd been a pronounced shortage of them in his own life; however, nothing but peace and harmony, forever and forever? He wasn't sure about that. And no beer? Very dubious proposition." To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message