On 17 Nov 1999, Vadim Belman wrote:

>       Recently I answered a question concerning maximum valid UID
>       value. I had created a new user with UID 1000000 using pw
>       utility. Everything went smoothly, but pwd_mkdb warned about
>       creation of UID bigger than 65535. I found this piece of code in
>       /usr/src/usr.sbin/pwd_mkdb/pw_scan.c:
>         if (id > USHRT_MAX) {
>                 warnx("%s > max uid value (%d)", p, USHRT_MAX);
>                 /*return (0);*/ /* THIS SHOULD NOT BE FATAL! */
>         }
>       I see only one reason for this: for keeping compatibility with old
>       utilities which don't use uid_t but relay on unsigned short
>       values. Am I right? Is there any other reason? Or, perhaps, this
>       code is obsolete and may be removed without harm?

  I expect that there are many problems with uids > 65535.  16 bit uids
are assumed by many protocols and data formats.

  For instance, NFSv2 wouldn't support uids > 65535.  A lot of people are
still using NFSv2, and should be warned about possible problems.

> -- 
>     /Voland                   Vadim Belman
>                               E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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