>I just got my boss moved over to FreeBSD from Windows, and we're having a
>terrible time with X and mice ...
>She has a PII system, and we've tried both a Logitech Mouseman and
>MicroSoft Inteellimouse...we have her box hooked up through a console
>switch, since, for now, she needs to shre her mouse/monitor/keyboard with
>her old Microsoft machine...

I cannot guarantee the correct operation of the psm driver if you use
a console switch.  There have been quite a number of console switch
products and some of them are so dumb that they cut power when you
switch between computers, others claim that they are clever enough to
"emulate" MS IntelliMouse when they, in fact, always bogusly answer
that your mouse is IntelliMouse, but does nothing to make it look like
the one when passing mouse data to the host computer.

>But there doesn't appear to have been any resolution to the problem, or at
>least none posted publicly...

If you have a good old 2-button or 3-button Logitech Mouseman without
a wheel, you may have better chance of using it with the console
switch, provided that your console switch does not try to be
half-smart.  Because the Mouseman does not require wacky
initialization or strange data format, there is a possibility that the
console switch won't wreack a havoc.

IntelliMouse uses a special initialization sequence and proprietary
data format.  Apparently the psm driver got confused about it when you
switched between two computers using this particular console switch.

You can use the flags 0x20 for the psm driver.  This flag will direct
the psm driver not to use any special initialization sequence and
treat any PS/2 mouse as the standard 2- or 3-button mouse. Mouseman
should behave like an ordinary 3-button mouse.  IntelliMouse will look
like a 2-button mouse; its wheel won't work and cannot be used as the
middle button, though.

device          psm0    at isa? tty irq 12 flags 0x20

With this flag, the any mouse should work...

>I've used FreeBSD/X with a switch before, but with older kernels, and have
>never seen this...

It depends on the console switch...  This one must have been rather a
harmless one.


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