On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Ed Shoro wrote:
> >%_I'm currently using natd to route my lan to the internet. I am using one 
>registered ip address. Is there a way to port map to one of the computers behind the 
>freebsd router? The coumputer will be running win 98 and I would like to use PC 
>Anywhere or something like that. 
> Thanks
> Ed Shoro

Here is one way to do it that I've actually setup for a client that uses PC
Anywhere.  I use  'natd -pptpalias $registered_ip_address' in addition
to the other options required.  I've installed the PoPToP server on the
FreeBSD machine according to the "HOWTO/FAQ" instructions at:

You need to install the PopToP server software and re-compile your
kernel insuring that you have 1 or more ppp devices, see the HOWTO/FAQ
for all the details.

Next you setup the vpn adapter on your PC where you run PC anywhere
and login to the FreeBSD PoPToP server.  This establishes a vpn and you
may now use PC Anywhere to connect to the windows 98 client using its
private IP address.  You may also look at and use shares that show up in your
network neighborhood.

John J. Rushford

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