I visited my closest CompUSA last night, and asked someone there to
look up the Power Pack on their inventory computer. He said it was
a standard item, catagory A01. Which means (the A part) each
store is supposed to stock it and (the 01 part) the minimum quantity
is one. Price $49.95.
I asked if they had one. Nope, sold out. Did any of the stores
here in Phoenix have one. More nope. How about nation wide? About
20 stores showed inventory. The item went into the computer in
June. He said every store should have had at least one at that
time. I can only guess (and hope) that they all sold out like hotcakes,
and someone in purchasing will notice and up the mininum stock count.
In the meantime I asked them to order me one (which meant, order
two). I've already got the toolkit, and I subscribe to the release,
so this was to update my copy of the book, and to throw some money
at the project, and to encourage CompUSA in carrying FreeBSD
products. I think getting FreeBSD into distribution is the next big
step in advicocy.
Chad R. Larson (CRL15) 602-953-1392 Brother, can you paradigm?
DCF, Inc. - 14623 North 49th Place, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254-2207
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