This is primarily to Mr. Brad Knowles, who cannot fathom what else the readers of this list would rather do than read his alarmist rants. I do not (and neither does anyone else) want a reply, and I only provide this to the entire list so we can use the archived version to deal with others like Mr. Knowles. A: You told me in your email you were concerned about the CURRENT GENERIC kernel. This is STABLE, and you are off topic. B: RTFM --I told you in my email to do your homework, which you said you have done, and would do EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T KNOW HOW. Rather than ask me to help you find the *searchable* mailing list archives, you are more centered on sharing your condition of excitement with others. Go away. More specifically, go to C: You are LAME: unable to find the answers yourself, even if you had to do things the hard way and grep -lR "bpf" /usr/src to find out just what is going on with bpf. The first lesson a lamer needs is RTFM. See point B. This is not an *ad-hominem* argument. You violate the mailing list protocol/ettiquette and therefore deserve to be flamed. You also deserve answers to your burning questions, but we all have a really hard time doing that because you are out of context and need to RTFM. We could give you a useless mountain of information, but we won't because that is stupid and rude. We need good questions before we can give any answer. D: You are rude to assume that everyone in this is stupid enough to overlook the risks involved with bpf. Your original question on this thread went somethign like: DO YOU KNOW WHAT KIND OF LEGAL LIABILITY YOU'RE ASSUMING WITH THIS SEEMINGLY STUPID ACT? You are rude to bring up crap like "Backbone Cabal Wars" like it will give you some credibility. We don't care. You are rude to refer to an outside source without even *offering* to provide an URL or reference so we can RTFM. Maybe we should just take it on your authority? HA! That's not the way we do things on the 'net. If you can substantiate it, REFERENCE IT. If you can't substantiate it, GO FIND YOUR EVIDENCE. -- PLEASE NOTICE: THERE MAY BE NOSPAM IN THE HEADERS WHEN YOU HIT "REPLY"!!! Jeremy McMillan <aphor at> | Ask for PGP-2.6.2 or 5.0i Chicago FreeBSD Users Group To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message