A user who may well have been smoking crack at the time but has
nonetheless found an "interesting" bug sent me this procedure:
Use this small perl script to create a file with 3000 spaces in it:
open FOO, ">foo.img" or die "can't open foo; $!\n";
for ($i=0;$i<3000;$i++){print FOO " ";}
close FOO;
[I'm sure there are easier ways, but since he already provided a script]
Now vnconfig the foo.img file:
# vnconfig -c /dev/vn0 foo.img
Now attempt to disklabel it (again, I didn't say this made *sense* :)
# disklabel -B -w /dev/vn0 minimum
<KABOOM - watch your system panic>
That isn't right, is it? :-)
- Jordan
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