Please don't send messages individually to me and then to a list.  
Send to both at the same time with the same message - it wastes less 
of peoples time.

This is my answer to your personal email with the same content:

: Hi,
: The ``host is down'' message just means it's getting no response from
: a directly connected host.  I'm not sure what the question is here.
: If you're trying to send stuff via your cable-providers server,
: surely this means it's not responding ?
: BTW, you're best bet is to at least cc freebsd-questions as you're
: more likely to find a better answer there.

>       Hi guys.  I have been using 3.2-Release for quite some time now as a 
> natd.  Normally I have no problems with this setup at all.  However, I just 
> realized, after perusing my logs, I have been getting this error.
> Jul 18 17:58:41 daemon natd[107]: failed to write packet back (Host is down)
> Jul 18 17:58:41 daemon natd[107]: failed to write packet back (No route to 
> host)
> Jul 18 17:58:45 daemon natd[107]: failed to write packet back (No route to 
> host)
> (I only greped for natd in this case, it naturally has the 'last message 
> repeated' for quite some time in between logs)
> Normally I get this error when my 'cable' modem goes down, so it makes 
> sense that there is no route to host.  However, as I checked the more 
> recent logs.
> Jul 25 00:06:07 daemon natd[107]: failed to write packet back (Host is down)
> Jul 25 00:06:12 daemon last message repeated 3 times
> Jul 25 00:45:30 daemon natd[107]: failed to write packet back (Host is down)
> Jul 25 00:51:54 daemon last message repeated 18 times
> Now, this error is a bit different.  There is no '(No route to host)' error 
> this time.  And, I get this error yet the cable modem interface did NOT go 
> down.  I do not think I changed anything significant, however, I did add 
> these kernel options around the '5th of june'.
> pseudo-device   bpfilter 4      #Berkeley packet filter
> options         IPFIREWALL
> options         IPDIVERT
> options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE
> options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=10
> options         DUMMYNET
> options         NMBCLUSTERS=1024
> options         SOFTUPDATES
> #options                SHMMAXPGS=1024
> options         SHMALL=1025
> options         "SHMMAX=(SHMMAXPGS*PAGE_SIZE+1)"
> options         SHMMAXPGS=1025
> options         SHMMIN=2
> options         SHMMNI=33
> options         SHMSEG=9
> Ok.  Now, I do use dummynet, however, using ipfw show, there was no usage 
> on that particular "pipe".  The machine has maxusers set to 128, and is a 
> k6-200 with 32 megs of ram, using Dec PCI nics  (two of them), on an 
> asus97-XE, TX Chipset.  I really think the issue is software based over 
> hardware since previous logs did not have such a "large" amount of this 
> natd failure to write back.  (previous to the 5th of july which was the 
> last time I modified my new kernel file).  I also run these services on top 
> of the standard ones, like apache13+php3 with ssl, and I added my own 
> loadable module, mod_fastcgi, mysqld, postgresql, ncftpd, socks5, sshd, 
> with the default tcp wrapper, telnetd, and ftpd.  (Hm.  I could eliminate 
> running mysqld, even I only have 32 megs of ram, my machine 'does' seem ok 
> with the 'load', Kudos to FreeBSD power!).
> Now, I highly doubt if I just remake world it will 'fix' anything, however, 
> I am ready to remake world since I am using 3.2-RELEASE.  However, I was 
> not aware of any significant fixes done to natd code during this 
> time.  (sorry if I missed it, by the way, is there a direct listing of 
> fixes that grows as we progress through stable?  I know it is cumbersome 
> though, and we must as well just add the list in each release, but just 
> curious for convenience sake).
> Ok.  So, are any of my options somewhat "limiting" and causing a pipe to be 
> full or something odd like that?  Or is this a known problem and I should 
> consider getting my machine 'synched' with 3.2-STABLE?  It has to be my 
> kernel setup or a 'bug' that has been squashed some how, right?
> On the side, could it be my bpf filter is not high enough?  I do use dhcpd, 
> but I only host maybe 3 clients.  (they are not always even on all the time).
> Thanks in advance, I am sure we can find a solution for this problem.
> -Carroll Kong

Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      <>                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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