On Fri, Jul 02, 1999 at 03:52:01PM +0200, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> Randall Hopper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 6) I didn't find a man page for ld.so, despite what man page for ldd says
> >    (this may be an artifact of the missing ld.so in compat22 on the German
> >    FreeBSD CD I downloaded).
> Methinks this is a known bug that was fixed before the final release
> (the one that went to the CD press).
Hmm, src/libexec/rtld-elf/Makefile says "NOMAN=true" as of today.

> > 7) wcd0 became acd0 in the kernel config file, but we still mount wcd0c. (?)
> >    Is this an oversight?  It's in the default fstab for example.
> No, it's called acd in the config file to avoid name conflicts, but it
> uses the same ol' major/minor.
It's sysinstall that puts `wcd' string into /etc/fstab.
`wcd' devices are symlinked to `acd'.

Patch is attached.  Jordan?

Ruslan Ermilov          Sysadmin and DBA of the
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        United Commercial Bank,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.247.647        Simferopol, Ukraine

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Index: devices.c
RCS file: /usr/FreeBSD-CVS/src/release/sysinstall/devices.c,v
retrieving revision 1.93
diff -u -r1.93 devices.c
--- devices.c   1999/06/17 19:04:53     1.93
+++ devices.c   1999/07/02 14:12:19
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     { DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM,       "mcd%da",       "Mitsumi (old model) CDROM drive",     
 7, 0, 8, 4, 'b'         },
     { DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM,       "scd%da",       "Sony CDROM drive - CDU31/33A type",   
 16, 0, 8, 4, 'b'        },
     { DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM,       "matcd%da",     "Matsushita CDROM ('sound blaster' 
type)", 17, 0, 8, 4, 'b'     },
-    { DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM,       "wcd%dc",       "ATAPI IDE CDROM",      19, 2, 8, 4, 
'b'                        },
+    { DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM,       "acd%dc",       "ATAPI IDE CDROM",      19, 2, 8, 4, 
+'b'                        },
     { DEVICE_TYPE_TAPE,        "rsa%d",        "SCSI tape drive",      14, 0, 16, 4, 
'c'                       },
     { DEVICE_TYPE_TAPE,        "rwt%d",        "Wangtek tape drive",   10, 0, 1, 4, 
'c'                        },
     { DEVICE_TYPE_DISK,        "da%d",         "SCSI disk device",     4, 65538, 8, 
16, 'b'                    },

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