On Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 10:42 AM Jan Behrens <jbe-ml...@magnetkern.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using packages "pcsc-lite-2.2.2,2" and "polkit-124_3" and set
> "pcscd_enable" to "YES" in "/etc/rc.conf".
> My computer has a YubiKey 5 NFC with firmware version 5.7.1 connected
> to it. When I create an unprivileged user account and log in from a
> remote machine (through ssh), then this unprivileged user account can
> use "ykman" to access my security key and, for example, list stored
> credentials, generate one-time tokens, erase or temporariliy block the
> device (by providing a wrong PIN), or even effectively brick it (if no
> configuration password is set).

If the YubiKey is plugged to the USB port on the host where you run
ykman then usb read/write permissions may be the problem?

If the YubiKey is plugged to your local machine, you use gpg-agent to
ssh to a remote machine, and on that remote machine you can make ykman
to work on your local machine's YubiKey thats magic.

By the way there is a loud bug in various YubiKey tokens that allows
cloning the physical tokens and/or private key access/recovery caused
by bug in Infineon's library [1].

[1] https://www.yubico.com/support/security-advisories/ysa-2024-03/

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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