On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 10:14:40PM +0000, Eric McCorkle wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> The following is a write-up of my current design for a public-key trust
> system:
> https://www.metricspace.net/files/freebsd_trust.pdf
> Some of you are certainly familiar with some or all of this;
> I've discussed parts of it before on -hackers and -security, and I
> discussed it in greater detail in BoF sessions at vBSDCon.  It seems
> things are heating up in this direction, so I'd like to get this out
> there and get discussion and feedback.
> I plan on undertaking work on this in the very near future, especially
> since the commit-train for GELI EFI is ready to arrive in HEAD.
> A bit about the format: this is sort of the "meat" of what I hope will
> be a paper some day, but it's still an initial draft.  Moreover, it
> talks about things I'm planning as if they exist, mainly because I don't
> want to have to go back and rewrite everything in the future.  In
> reality, most of what I talk about is just a proposal at this point,
> with a few bits being implemented as a PoC here and there.
> Please read and consider the designs I've proposed.  I welcome any
> feedback and suggestions.  I'll give it a week minimum from today before
> I resume any work on this stuff.

Hey Eric,

Thank you so much for working on this. I do have a few questions.

I'm curious about the rational behind not requiring expiration of
trusted root key material.

Can jails contain a different trust chain than the host?


Shawn Webb
Cofounder and Security Engineer

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