On 07/10/16 10:10 AM, Andrey Chernov wrote:
> On 10.07.2016 16:30, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
>> I am surprised lack of support GOST in openssl-base.
>> Can be this enabled before 11.0 released?
> AFAIK openssl maintainers says something like they can't support this
> code and it will become rotten shortly with new changes, so they drop it.

[OpenSSL-maintainer-for-the-base hat on]

GOST is supported on FreeBSD 10.x and 11.x.  We will not drop it on
these branches unless secteam explicitly ask us to do so.  However, we
*may* drop it from 12.0 *iff* we import OpenSSL 1.1.0 branch.

[OpenSSL-maintainer-for-the-base hat off]

Jung-uk Kim

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