On 10/27/15 22:51, Robert Sargent via freebsd-security wrote:
> there is a simple workaround if you don't want to or can't reboot your 
> machines: install the ntp pkg 
> pkg install ntp
> and add the following line to /etc/rc.conf  
> ntpd_program="/usr/local/sbin/ntpd"
> then kill the original /usr/sbin/ntpd process and run this command:
> /etc/rc.d/ntpd start

This is very frustrating.  Installing the ntp package as above will give
you a working ntpd the first time you start it.  But attempting to
restart ntpd after that will result in the same sort of SEGV as seen
with the ntpd from freebsd-update.

So far I've found that ntp-4.2.8p3 or above -- whether installed via
freebsd-updates or via package -- installed on 10.1-RELEASE-p14 or
10.2-RELEASE-p{3,4,5} will startup and run at most one time (presumably,
that's one time between successive system reboots, but I haven't tested
that.)  Worse: it seems you get at most one successful startup out of
both of those variants together.

Exactly the same ntp package installed on 10.2-STABLE built yesterday
will run perfectly well, and restart just fine.  Similarly the base ntpd
in 10.2-STABLE runs and restarts just fine.



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