On 09/03/2015 22:37, Bakul Shah wrote:
> On Mon, 09 Mar 2015 20:46:19 -0000 "Poul-Henning Kamp" <p...@phk.freebsd.dk> 
> wrote:
>> --------
>> In message <20150309202308.64dfbb...@mail.bitblocks.com>, Bakul Shah writes:
>>> On Mon, 09 Mar 2015 19:52:04 -0000 "Poul-Henning Kamp" 
>>> <p...@phk.freebsd.dk> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hopefully ECC memory protects against such exploits (at least
>>> makes them a lot less vulnerable).
>> ECC only makes it harder, it doesn't make it impossible.
> According to the small sample in the paper below, the
> incidence of 3 bit errors is about 4000 times or more lower
> than single bit errors.  These are the errors that may not
> even get detected by ECC. So not impossible but much better.

ECC does not only correct bit errors, it also allows one the detect
them. Perhaps a good reason to start watching the reports about them..

And how many bit do I need to change to actually do something usefull?

> It also proposes a few solutions. It seems to indicate that
> reducing refresh time by a factor of 7 (over 64ms) removes
> such errors. Hopefully this can be done via a firmware
> upgrade?

That was my suggestion 1. Up the refresh frequency.
Might require the manufacturer, but could very well be done by the
kernel if it knew how,what,where to write this.

> I don't know if the physical page pool for kernel data can be
> isolated enough from user data to avoid this. [Probably not.
> Likely there is no standard way to do map a phys addr to a
> specific chip/row and diff. mfrs may use diff geometries.
> Though, perhaps this same phenomenon can be used to infer chip
> geometry!]

Isn't this what the RAM chip info tells us?
And RAM does not move around in the physical address space.
So creating a mapping where virtual = physical (perhaps even offsetted
into an empty block in the vast 2^64 bits address space) would allow the
refresh tread to do its work. But creating that mapping while running in
kernelmode could be not so easy.


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