On 4/9/2014 9:47 AM, Steven Hartland wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Karl Denninger" <k...@denninger.net>

On 4/9/2014 9:21 AM, Zoran Kolic wrote:
Advisory claims 10.0 only to be affected. Patches to
branch 9 are not of importance on the same level?

9 (and before) were only impacted if you loaded the newer OpenSSL from ports. A fair number of people did, however, as a means of preventing BEAST attack vectors.

If you did, then you need to update that and have all your private keys re-issued. If you did not then you never had the buggy code in the first place.

Actually they are vulnerable without any ports install just not to
CVE-2014-0160 only CVE-2014-0076, both of which where fixed by

Good point -- there is that other advisory in there so "base" 8.x and 9.x users should update as well.

However, the other problem does not involve the same sort of vulnerability to remote "grabs" of data, including authentication credentials (and worse, private key data.)

-- Karl

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