On 25.3.2014, at 15.48, Olafur Gudmundsson <o...@ogud.com> wrote:

> On Mar 25, 2014, at 8:00 AM, freebsd-security-requ...@freebsd.org wrote:
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:02:08 -0400
>> From: Gary Palmer <gpal...@freebsd.org>
>> To: Brett Glass <br...@lariat.org>
>> Cc: "freebsd-security@freebsd.org" <freebsd-security@freebsd.org>,
>>      Remko Lodder <re...@freebsd.org>, "Ronald F. Guilmette"
>>      <r...@tristatelogic.com>
>> Subject: Re: NTP security hole CVE-2013-5211?
>> Message-ID: <20140324150208.ga5...@in-addr.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 06:13:10PM -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
>>> At 03:28 PM 3/21/2014, Remko Lodder wrote:
>>>> Ofcourse the software should be well protected as well, and secteam@ did 
>>>> his
>>>> best to offer the best solution possible. Though as mentioned by Brett for
>>>> example we just cannot force the update of ntpd.conf on user machines 
>>>> because
>>>> every admin could have legitimate reasons for having a configuration in 
>>>> place
>>>> they decided to have. It's risky to change those things and especially 
>>>> enforce
>>>> them on running machines. Most of his ideas were in the advisory already
>>>> except for the 'disable monitor' part, which might be reason to discuss
>>>> whether that makes sense or not.
>>> I've suggested one other thing, and still think it would be a good idea to
>>> thwart attacks: that we compile ntpd to source outgoing queries from 
>>> randomly
>>> selected ephemeral UDP ports rather than UDP port 123. (This was, 
>>> in fact, done
>>> in earlier releases of FreeBSD and I'm unsure why it was changed.) This 
>>> makes
>>> stateful firewalling less necessary and improves its performance if it is 
>>> done.
>> Could you please explain how randomising the source port of NTP queries
>> would thwart NTP monitor amplification attacks?  The attack works because
>> the NTP control port on the server is always UDP/123, and I don't see how
>> changing the source port would fix that.  Unless I'm missing something, you'd
>> need to change the port the daemon accepts queries on, not the port it 
>> sources
>> outbound queries on.
>> Thanks,
>> Gary
> There are three problems 
> 0. NTP can be tricked to give out big answer to forged addresses. 
> 1. Some NTP servers listen on port 123 all address even when only expecting 
> to providing service on 
> "internal addresses",
> 2. NTP servers are easily discoverable  due to the listening on fixed port.  
> Moving the servers of port 123 will make the search for servers harder but 
> intrusion detection systems 
> will need to be modified to expect NTP traffic on any port. 
> IF and ONLY if people are willing to change how NTP servers are discovered in 
> DNS then servers
> can listen on any port. 
> Instead of loping up "A/AAAA" record for a name, the service discovery should 
> look up SRV record as
> that includes port number on each server. Even if everyone agrees to make 
> this change 
> there still has to be "temporarily" backwards hack to allow old software to 
> find the service. 
> (In the mail world MX (SRV equivalent) use is not universal after over 25 
> years). 
> So while it is possible to move NTP servers off port 123 I do not think it is 
> worth the effort. 
>       Olafur
I believe Gary was talking about changing the control/status port and not the 
actual service port (UDP 123). That should be doable without breaking 
compatibility with existing NTP tools.


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