On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 01:04:24PM -0400, Gary Palmer wrote:
>On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 03:34:47PM +0300, Peter Pentchev wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 12:41:34AM -0400, Paul Blazejowski wrote:
>> > doesn't mailman unsubscribe an email automatically after a couple of
>> > bounces? unless freebsd list is not configured to do so...
>> That's only if the bounce message reaches mailman.  In this case,
>> the culprit is a mail bouncing agent (MBA? ;) which addresses
>> the bounce to the original sender (the one from the From header)
>> instead of *any* of the other possible addresses present in
>> mailman-generated messages that would do the right thing.
>RFCs say bounces have to go to the envelope sender.  MailMan correctly
>changes the envelope sender of mail to freebsd-security to
>owner-freebsd-secur...@freebsd.org so that it can see the NDRs (non-delivery
>reports).  However some broken software boucnes to the From address in
>the header.  Since the From address in the header is *not* MailMan it cannot
>auto-unsubscribe the bouncing user.
>If the bouncing users MTA/MUA doesn't follow specifications there isn't
>a lot MailMan can do

Yes and then repeated report after report mailman blah blah postmaster
more blah blah user repeatedly offending blah blah moderator removes
offending domain until the its fixed blah blah...

Sometime in the near future... ;)


 J. Hellenthal

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