On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 09:27:24AM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
> Not in my opinion.  I run a little script I wrote that automatically adds
> failed SSH attempts to a table that blocks them from _everything_ in my
> pf rules.  I figure if they're fishing for weak ssh passwords, their next
> likely attack route might be HTTP or SMTP, so why wait.  This is on my
> personal server.  Here where I work, we're even more strict.

I had a similar set up, but it was quite clunky. Following advise from
this list and others I now firewall port 22 to a few locations (e.g.
work), and also run ssh on a high port.

This doesn't necessarily make things any safer, but has reduced my log
noise drastically.


Richard Jones

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