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Hello Everyone,

On June 1st, 21 days from now, FreeBSD 4.10 will have reached
its two year End of Life and will no longer be supported by
the FreeBSD Security Team.  While some security fixes may be
merged to the RELENG_4_10 security branch after the EoL date,
the Security Team will only investigate new issues if they
affect supported branches; consequently, the FreeBSD Security
Team strongly recommends upgrading existing systems running
FreeBSD 4.10 to a newer release.

FreeBSD 5.4 had been planned to expire at the same time, but
in light of delays in the FreeBSD 5.5 release schedule, the
FreeBSD 5.4 EoL has been extended to October 2006, in order to
allow time for users to upgrade to FreeBSD 5.5.  Again, we
strongly recommend upgrading all FreeBSD 5.3 and 5.4 systems
to FreeBSD 5.5 (once it is released, later this month) or
FreeBSD 6.1 (now).

The current supported branches and expected EoL dates are:

   |  Branch   |  Release   |  Type  |  Release date  |  Estimated EoL  |
   |RELENG_4   |n/a         |n/a     |n/a             |January 31, 2007 |
   |RELENG_4_10|4.10-RELEASE|Extended|May 27, 2004    |May 31, 2006     |
   |RELENG_4_11|4.11-RELEASE|Extended|January 25, 2005|January 31, 2007 |
   |RELENG_5   |n/a         |n/a     |n/a             |May 31, 2008     |
   |RELENG_5_3 |5.3-RELEASE |Extended|November 6, 2004|October 31, 2006 |
   |RELENG_5_4 |5.4-RELEASE |Normal  |May 9, 2005     |October 31, 2006 |
   |RELENG_6   |n/a         |n/a     |n/a             |May 2008 or later|
   |RELENG_6_0 |6.0-RELEASE |Normal  |November 4, 2005|November 30, 2006|
   |RELENG_6_1 |6.1-RELEASE |Extended|May 9, 2006     |May 31, 2008     |

Once it is released, FreeBSD 5.5 will be supported until May 31, 2008.

Colin Percival
FreeBSD Security Officer
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (FreeBSD)

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