Quoth Ken Hawkins on Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 11:32:44 -0400
> The box is secure that much i have found out. the only problems have  
> been with this email spamming. nothing in the tmp dirs out of the  
> ordinary and no missing files running scripts etc. I have changed  
> everyone passwords on the box. *'d the www password, ensured there is  
> no shell with the www user, etc.

Have you run chkrootkit on it?
> i am in the process of upgrading the ports now and there are problems  
> (of course). the ports seem to have been mangled as the listing in / 
> var/db/ports does not match what i KNOW is running on the box. The  
> person i have inherited this from manually deleted from the /var/db/ 
> ports to get some of the applications to re-install! gotta love that!

ICK!  Make sure you database is fine otherwise, you'll get into no end
of trouble. 
> well here i come port fix hell! This is a production box and can't be  
> taken off line as of this moment so i am going to have to attempt on  
> the fly fixing / upgrading of the ports.  i would love to wipe it but  
> it is just not a possibility right now.

Oh dear.  How about living it as is -- minus the spam emailer -- and
rebuilding another one to replace it?  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  -=*=-                      www.kierun.org
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