Let's speak about updating/removing a lang/ruby-doc-stdlib and a
Should this ports survive? If so, I can update them.

And also let's remove lang/ruby-man, lang/ruby-programmingruby, and
lang/ruby-usersguide. These are worthless ports.

On Sat, 2013-10-12 at 01:04 -0400, Thomas Abthorpe wrote:
> I have been working toward getting lang/ruby18 removed from the ports
> tree, it is vulnerable, and no longer supported upstream.  If you have
> been watching the commit logs, you will see the work I have already put
> into it's removal.  My personal thanks to Steve Wills (swills@) for
> helping me through much of the process.
> I have made some contact with some of you already about updating some
> ports, but more work has to be done to get ruby18 removed.  You are
> being contacted because you are a maintainer of one of the ports listed
> below.
> The first column is a port that has a DEPRECATED dependency, the second column
> is the port targeted for removal.
> Mk/bsd.lua.mk                   lang/ruby-lua4
> devel/rubygem-rascut            www/rubygem-mongerl
> devel/rubygem-rascut            www/rubygem-mongrel
> devel/rubygem-ruby-debug-base   devel/rubygem-linecache
> dns/dnsdoctor                   lang/ruby18
> games/magicmaze                 devel/ruby-sdl
> japanese/gorua                  x11-toolkits/ruby-gtk
> security/flowtag                x11-toolkits/ruby-tk
> sysutils/puppet                 www/rubygem-mongerl
> sysutils/puppet27               www/rubygem-mongerl
> www/aswiki                      textproc/ruby-amrita
> www/rubygem-rails               www/rubygem-mongerl
> www/rubygem-staticmatic         www/rubygem-mongerl
> www/tdiary                      www/ruby-nora
> www/typo                        www/rubygem-mongrel_cluster
> www/typo                        www/rubygem-rails-app-installer
> It would appear that making www/rubygem-mongerl* work with ruby19 would
> be the biggest first step toward the final cleanup.
> If you have some time, and want to help out, please find a port listed
> above, fix it for ruby19, and file a PR to get it committed.
> It is that easy :)
> Thanks for all your help in advance.
> Thomas

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