On 01/10/13 17:36, Eric wrote:
>>> On 01/05/13 20:58, Olli Hauer wrote:
>>> It seems there are new releases for ruby because an security issue
>>> CVE-2012-5664
>> The issue is in Ruby On Rails, not Ruby itself. There's an update to
>> Ruby 1.9, but it's not a security issue. I'll see what I can do about
>> the Rails update first, then the rest later.
>> Steve
> Following up on the update to Rails, it doesn't look like it's a good new
> year for Ruby on Rails:
> http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2013/1/8/Rails-3-2-11-3-1-10-3-0-19-and-2-3-15
> -have-been-released/
> Two more serious exploits listed:
> CVE-2013-0155:
> https://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-security/browse_thread/thread/b7
> 5585bae4326af2
> CVE-2013-0156 
> https://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-security/browse_thread/thread/eb
> 56e482f9d21934

Yeah, I committed the fixes and vuxml for both sets at the same time.


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