-----Original Message-----
From: Fabian Keil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
Sent: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 21:59:59 +0100
Subject: Re: A Riddle


--- Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmm, I wonder if the lack of performance, or the
> unwanted
> > emails were more heavily weighted in the
> decision?
> >
> > If there was any intelligent life on the list you
> could
> > counter what you call "Trolls" with solid technical
> > arguments. This reminds me of the old bsdi
> > list. A bunch of half-wits who are just happy
> > to belong to something and have other half-wits
> > to correspond with.
> >
> > FreeBSD used to have open discussions between
> > users and developers and it used to be real
> > good. Now it sucks and the developers are
> > detached, off in their own little world. See
> > a pattern?
> >
> > But with a user base from places like gnu-rox.org
> > and makeworld.com, what do you expect I
> > guess?

Please have a look at your own email address.

As an aside, all of the major web mail providers
default to "top posting". Google (ever hear
of them?) only shows the top N lines of a post.
So if you bottom post, you don't see the message
you want to see
without having to make an effort. So when are
you troglodytes going to climb out of your
1994 hibernations and get with the times?

They don't default to top posting, they put
the cursor on top, so you can read the whole
message and cut irrelevant parts before replying.

If Google doesn't display the whole message,
the interface is crap. That's not the fault of
anybody on this list.

You may prefer one over the other, but its
hardly a capital offense to do otherwise. Most
of us have evolved out of our unix newsreaders.

If you want to be read by as many people
as possible on this list, the easiest way is
to write well formed mails.

Unfortunately, you are not only top posting,
your mailing software also inserts line breaks
where there shouldn't be any and makes it
hard to see who wrote what.

Have a look at the beginning of this mail.
Your quotation is a mess.

Anyone with a brain is using web mail for
mailing lists these days: no more whining
about spam or "wasted bandwidth".

Having a brain is good, but  using it is even better.
If the web interface produces garbage, changing
the interface could be a smart move.

Just my two brainless cents.


*** Formatted correctly for ease of reading ***

> WRONG on all counts!
> Firstly, anyone who uses their own server for lists is
> a complete idiot.

So - according to YOU, most all of us that run our own servers are idiots. Yanno what? You sound like the type that is forced to use his parents PC, Forced to use AOL, and forced to use web mail.

So - since YOU can't have what most of us can and do have, you feel the need to lash out and verbally abuse.

This is a classic case of the have-nots are beside them selfs over the haves.

It's one thing to say something like:

It's my opinion that (insert rhetoric here)

Then to make a sweeping generalization as you just did. Shows us what kind a man (or boy) you are.

Grow up - show some respect, don't insult - you will live longer when you do join society.

And, as I said before - even tho you may bash us, think you are superior to us - we still love you anyways.

Oh, and have a great day!

Best regards,

If on an actuarial basis there is a 50 50 chance that
something will go wrong,
It will actually go wrong nine times out of ten.
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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