> ...deliberately breaking OpenBSD's support for Adaptec hardware as some 
> sort of ultimatum is a childish and self-destructive action.  I hope 
> the other OpenBSD committers veto any such action as being 
> counterproductive and harmful to your users.

        Horsecookies. What was done was remove AAC support from GENERIC, 
because users know what is in GENERIC is supposed to be stable and a 
good candidate for use. I've got AAC's. They aren't at the moment.
they die, and you can't do anything with the raid management without
rebooting, and Adaptec has shown no signs of releasing documentation
so that situation can be corrected. 

        Sure, there's a "free" driver, and a non-free management interface,
so it's only half a driver. Pretending to have a production system
using a raid card that with no supportable management interface so you
have to reboot to fix anything is like buying birth control pills in
packs of 20. Pretty soon you're going to take a good fucking on a day
you really can't afford it. Period. 

        As such AAC isnt' any more broken than it ever was. OpenBSD 
just chooses not to encourage users to purchase a non-supportable
card by including support for it in the GENERIC kernel. Are you
saying it's more honest to leave unstable and incomplete support in
there? People who wish to use it anyway can always compile it in.

> Otherwise, you're likely to discover that most people choose to run an 
> OS which works with the hardware they have, rather than sticking with 
> OpenBSD.

        Or choose to replace the hardware that isn't supportable by the
OS they want to run. Thank you LSI and Dell. LSI cards seem to work 

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