> It's not a binary driver, it's a 2-clause BSD licensed driver that 
> contains full source.  You said that the OpenBSD driver is unstable,
> so I offered to help.  That has nothing to do with binary apps.



    Sources for ports/sysutils/aaccli
    Sorry, did not find the sources for ports/sysutils/aaccli

No source!

Let's look closer


    MASTER_SITES=               http://download.adaptec.com/raid/ccu/freebsd/
    DISTNAME=           5400s_fbsd_cli_v10
    EXTRACT_SUFX=               .zip


    RESTRICTED=         "May not be redistributed in binary form"
    NO_CDROM=           yes

So there is a file somewhere that is a .zip file.  It may not be put
onto the official FreeBSD CDs (so obviously not OpenBSD CDs either)

That's not really free is it.

Let's look closer

% ftp http://download.adaptec.com/raid/ccu/freebsd/5400s_fbsd_cli_v10.zip
Requesting http://download.adaptec.com/raid/ccu/freebsd/5400s_fbsd_cli_v10.zip
100% |************************************************************|   565 KB    
Successfully retrieved file.
% unzip 5400s_fbsd_cli_v10.zip
Archive:  5400s_fbsd_cli_v10.zip
  inflating: TRANS.TBL               
  inflating: aaccli-1.0_0.tgz        
% tar xvfz aaccli-1.0_0.tgz
% file bin/aaccli
bin/aaccli: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, for FreeBSD 4.4, 
statically linked, not stripped

That's a binary.  Where is the source?

Why do you keep talking about some Management binary?
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